Clinics & Services
Practice Nurse Services
The Practice Nurses and Phlebotomists consult on an appointment only basis:
Blood tests, dressings, contraceptive checks, HRT checks.
Cervical Smear
Run by our own Practice Nurses these are held at various times throughout the week for the convenience of working females and young mothers. You will be recalled automatically for your appointments.
The Family Planning Services is a run by a Practice Nurse during routine consulting hours with support from the GPs and we provides annual review.
Please click the following link to complete your annual contraception review. Please ensure a Blood Pressure, Height and Weight are included before we can issue your prescription contraceptive review
If you do not have access to a Blood Pressure monitor at home, we have one available in our Reception area for patient use. Please check your BP before completing the eConsult link.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Please click the following link to complete your annual HRT review. Please ensure a BP Reading, Height & Weight are included in the consultation to allow us to review your prescription request. HRT review
If you do not have access to a BP monitor at home, we have one available in our Reception area for patient use. Please check your BP before completing the eConsult link.
Some patients may still require a telephone review with a GP, however the information you provide will enable us to handle your request most appropriately. If a GP review is required, we will be in touch to arrange.
INR Clinic
The Practice Nursing Team hold a clinic for INR (Warfarin) every Tuesday. Patients are given their results immediately plus details of their dosage and their next appointment.
Medical Examinations
Certain services are offered outwith the NHS for which a fee is payable as recommended by the British Medical Association e.g. private medical examinations, completion of insurance claim forms etc. The current charges are displayed in the surgery. Overseas visitors may also be charged as private patients. We do not provide a service for Occupational Medicals.
Additional Optional Service Offered By Practice
Chiropody (NHS Service)
The Chiropodist offers treatment under the NHS for qualifying patients. Appointments are arranged directly from the Chiropody Service following referral from your Doctor. They encourage all able-bodied patients to come along to the Centre.
Please note the Moray NHS Podiatry Service does not carry out toe nail cutting. If you are unable to do this for yourself then we can provide advice or signpost you to appropriate support.
Access to NHS Podiatry
You can access NHS Podiatry services via your medical practice team or by self-referring.
To self-refer, please complete a paper self-referral form (available in all GP practices and health centres or see below), email: or call 01343 553077.
Please click this link to download our referral form (pdf)
District Nurses (NHS Service)
The District Nursing staff based at Ardach may be contacted on 01542 837122. If they are not available please leave a message on their answering machine and they will contact you on their return.
Community Midwife (NHS Service)
The Community Midwife team working from Ardach may be contacted on 01542 837144. If they are not available please leave a message on their answering machine and they will contact you on their return.
To book your first midwife appointment please contact the health centre.
Ready Steady Baby!
Antenatal Clinic
Community Midwives. Routine antenatal appointments are available on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday's all day to book this please telephone the health centre on 0345 099 7200.
Antenatal Classes
Run by the Community Midwives for prospective mothers and fathers.
Breast Feeding Group
Run by the Health Visiting team (Health Visitors/Nursery Nurse/Health Support Worker)
Health Visitors and School Nurses
The Health Visiting staff are based at Ardach may be contacted on 01542 837111 and The School Nursing Team may be contacted on 01542 837133. If they are not available please leave a message on their answering machine and they will contact you when they return to Ardach.
Post Natal Group
The Health Visiting Team offer a 6 week course including baby massage for 3 weeks and health promotion topics chosen by the parents including resuscitation.
PEEP (Peers early education partnership)
PEEP is lively and fun. For an hour you can come along and sing songs, share books, play and explore with your baby and share information and ideas about your baby and their learning. We talk about routines, development, books and weaning and look at why it is important for babies to play and explore.
Developmental Review
Developmental checks are carried out by your Health Visitor at home or in the clinic setting
Child Immunisations
The Health Visiting Team hold clinics in Ardach Health Centre and are arranged directly by the Vaccination Team, they can be contacted on 01224 555333.
Parenting Groups
The Health Visiting Team offer individual or group sessions using the Triple P Programme (Positive Parenting Programme).